Celebrating 20 Years of Transformative Coaching:

Guiding Lives since 2004

2004 - 2024

Robert j now intro services

Are you living your life?

Slow Living Reduces Stress and Anxiety and lets You Live the Life of Your Dreams.

Imagine the difference between a mere vacation to paradise once a year and the remarkable experience of actually living in paradise day in and day out.

As you read these lines, you may find yourself taking a brief respite from your demanding 9-5 job, stealing a moment of tranquility in the late evening, or perhaps nursing a hangover on a Sunday morning, wondering how many more of these repetitive routines lie ahead.

I, on the other hand, am life coaching clients while living the life style of my dreams in Thailand.

Living in Thailand affords me a life of Slow Living that suits me. It aligns more with my values than the fast paced, frantic life style in the West.

Of course, Thailand may not be your dream choice but you get the idea.

If you’ve ever fantasized about a life in an exotic country but have been hesitant to take the leap, Life Coaching can pave the way for you to transform your dreams into reality.

Feeling anxious, stressed, or burnt-out?

How Robert can help you.

Slow Living

Re-connect with Yourself. Reduce Stress, Anxiety, Worries and Trauma. Slow down and be More Happy, Healthy and Content.


Whether the Self-Exploration Work Book or the Wake-Up with the Controlled-Exit-Strategy e-book, there is always something to learn.

Life Coaching

Marriage/Relationship Counseling, Career & Life Style Coaching. Reconnecting with your True Dreams and Inner Desires to Finally Start Living the Life You Deserve.

your Guide. Robert

Robert j now meet your guideI’m Robbert-Jan, but please call me RJ.  I am passionate about guiding individuals like yourself to awaken your dreams and start living it. To unlock your true potential and live a more balanced and healthy life.

With over two decades of experience as an expat counselor and digital nomad coach, I understand the challenges and opportunities that come with embracing a global lifestyle. From overcoming culture shock to thriving in new environments, I’ve helped clients from around the world find and reconnect with their passions and live life on their terms.

My coaching approach is rooted in mindfulness, NLP, and spirituality, empowering you to tap into your inner strength and reconnect with your dreams. 

Whether you’re seeking Marriage/Relationship Counseling, more adventure, or interested in Slow Living, I am here to support you every step of the way.   
